Thursday 1 November 2007

The Feast of All Saints

Have been considering religion, thanks Anne Rice... I like the idea of a place being purely there to allow you to realise your mistakes in life, and almost rehabilitate yourself before getting on your way to wherever else... it gives a sense of great goodness in the universe... pity really that i'm completely unreligious.

on another note though... it was halloween last night! Twas good fun, even if i did get stuck in a room with my horrible ex while everyone else helped a particular someone in her drunken state... was very awkward and of course everyone took ages to get her down the lift, into a taxi and then get back to the flat... and i had been doing so well at ignoring him completely... i couldn't look at his eyes, they're just that type of eyes that sends shivers down my spine. unfortunately someone i see nearly every college day has the same type of eyes... making things constantly awkward *sigh*

All the parental birthday things are happening tomorro, hopefully mum will let me have a day of nothing before hand, then limo with champagne and my own music, then food and back to the flat. Then there's saturday! The boyfriend has planned something... no one will tell me what... i don't like it i don't like it at all... it's going to be embarrassing, i can tell.

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